Speedy Chicken Pho in a Mo!
The key to a great pho is in the broth, and to really do it properly you want to let it simmer long and slow.
But sometimes there just isn't time! One option is to buy one of our finish at home kits, which are the speediest Pho in a Mo (ready in 10 minutes) or you can make this great speedy pho at home.
So here is my recipe for a Speedy Chicken Pho, and I am posting this on a Sunday in case you have just eaten a Sunday roast and are wondering what to do with the leftovers!
Chicken Pho in a Mo
Serves 2
1 litre of chicken stock
1 small onion
60g of ginger
5g of coriander seeds
Small cinnamon stick
1 star anise
1-2 cloves
Fish sauce, to taste
Salt, to taste
140g of uncooked rice noodles, cooked as per pack instructions
150-200g of cooked chicken, shredded or sliced
Garnishes such as lime, spring onion, Thai basil, coriander, mint, birds eye chilli and beansprouts, to garnish
Step 1 - the famous pho charred flavour
Place ginger and onion (unpeeled and whole) in a baking tray and place under a medium/high grill for 15-20 minutes turning once or twice until charred, do not worry if they blacken a bit. Leave to cool and remove the onion skin and any blackened parts of the ginger.Step 2 - the broth
Place the onion and ginger in a pan with the chicken stock (or alternatively your leftover chicken carcass and 1 litre of water) and spices, bring to the boil and leave to simmer for one hour.Step 3 - seasoning
Remove the broth from the heat, strain through a fine sieve and add fish sauce and salt to taste. You want to make it slightly stronger than you might think to ensure the broth also flavours the noodles and chicken.Step 4 - noodles
Cook your noodles according to the packet instructions and rinse to remove the starch. Add to your bowl.Step 5 - bowling up
Place your chicken on top of the rice noodles and pour over the hot broth. Add garnishes of your choice and dig in.Top tips
- If you have any leftover broth you can freeze it for up to 3 months
- The best rice noodles are 3mm rice noodles but if you don't have any, feel free to substitute with noodles of your choice
- You can find Thai basil in the larger supermarkets and Asian shops
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